The holiest time of the year for cinema lovers has arrived, and we are presenting you our holy trinity of December 2021.


The power of the dog:

This western psychological drama from the director Campion will surprise you for sure. One of the greatest actors of the century Cumberbatch reinvents lighting a cigarette, and the movie starts at a gentle pace, though it doesn’t stay there long. There is so much layered desire, hatred, and domination that soon comes rolling out to disturb everyone’s uneasy peace. You can watch it on Netflix.



Don’t look up:

Don’t look up is a splendidly told cliche with a starburst that will make you say “WHAT?!” in every few minutes. What would you do if you knew that the world’s going to end in 6 months because of a meteor bigger than the one hit our old dinosaur fellas? CALL THE DAMN PRESIDENT! It’s a fun movie to watch with your friends and family. We highly recommend if you want to watch something simple to spend the night. And oh, Meryl Streep for the president, please!



Matrix Resurrections:

Mr. Anderson follows the White rabbit once more! Eighteen years after what we thought was the third and final Matrix film, The Matrix Revolutions, Lana Wachowski has directed a fourth: The Matrix Resurrections and she reunited us with our beloved Neo and Trinity. Don’t know about you, but our heart was broken ever since we saw Trinity’s death, so even though we like the movie or not, just seeing her coming back is quite enough. Since the cinemas are filled with crazy matrix fans, we are waiting a bit more to see the movie with plucks in our ears to keep the spoilers out. One way or another Matrix is back and we are thankful to Lana Wachowski for it. Which pill would you take? Red one or the blue one?