The basic principle of kindness is in joining, in acknowledging that we have a connection with every living thing on this wonderful planet of ours. As our kind acts and deeds bring greater kindness to the world, the barriers of separation will begin to crumble, bringing a rainbow of understanding and happiness to the people of the world.

In 1996, the Small Kindness Movement in Japan organized a conference in Tokyo, by inviting like-minded individuals from around the world who had started kindness movements in their own countries to attend. A second conference was held in 1997 and the outcome was the formation of the World Kindness Movement. The charter of this organization is stated in a declaration signed by seven countries. The idea behind the World Kindness Movement (WKM) crystallized at a conference in Tokyo in 1997 when the Small Kindness Movement of Japan brought together like-minded kindness movements from around the world. The WKM was officially launched in Singapore on 18 November 2000 at the 3rd WKM Conference.

This day has become globally recognized since its creation over two decades ago. The many events that take place on this day attract countless participants from all parts of the globe. This day is filled with kindness and activities like dance mobs, concerts, the distribution of kindness cards, and random acts of kindness such as paying for someone shopping or helping someone with their bags.

Activities you might want to get involved in on World Kindness Day;

Giving compliments! Smile at strangers passing by, hold open a door, give up your seat on public transport, or compliment someone sincerely on something they have done or changed, such as wearing a new top or haircut. Even these small gestures are a nice way of showing kindness to others.

Give extra-long hugs! Sometimes people just need that extra little bit of care, so if you give out any hugs today make them extra-long and meaningful. Connections and kindness go hand-in-hand. You may find that some people wonder what’s got into you, but they will certainly appreciate it.

Write a love letter or poem! This is a great one for your significant another half. We can often take them for granted so show your kindness in a letter or poem.


Credits: İlayda Elif Bozgeyik