Are you ready to face with all your nightmares? You can start by turning into one of them. Zombies, witches, vampires and all other bad guys; you are all invited to the scariest thriller, proudly hosted by ESN Ege, ESN IUE and ESN YAŞAR. Now, it's time to be creative and spooky! Put up your scariest costume and make up; fly, run, swim or crawl over to Volume, Alsancak. Don't forget to put up your attitude as well!
_____________ The Party will be hosted at Volume, Alsancak Gates open at 23:00
Tickets: 20 ₺ (one beer included)
This party is organised by cooperation of 3 ESN sections in Izmir. You can find the contact person for each section below. If you have any questions about the party tickets, don't hesitate to get in touch!
ESN IUE - Izmir University of Economics Ekrem Sözdinler → +90 535 034 1377
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